Cy-Fair Helping Hands (CFHH), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was founded to help the homeless of Cy-Fair become self-sufficient. Since its inception in 2010, CFHH has grown to include a Community Food Pantry, enabling CFHH to serve not only the homeless, but also the hungry. Programs for our struggling neighbors include provision of Transitional Family Services for families with children, scholarships for unprivileged students, Homeless Street Outreach, a Homeless Day Center, programs for CFISD students, and events and programs during the holidays and at back-to-school time. CFHH serves those living in the fourteen zip codes within Cy-Fair ISD school boundaries. CFHH atiende a quienes viven en los catorce códigos postales dentro de los límites escolares de Cy-Fair ISD.
CFHH relies on you, our community, to operate. All of our funding comes from caring individuals, churches, businesses, and organizations. We also rely on the gift of your time. Our volunteer staff consists of over 120 regular volunteers who serve in various capacities, in addition to groups of volunteers from local businesses, schools, organizations, and churches. Each and every one of our volunteers are valued and we could not serve the homeless and hungry without them.
We invite you to learn more about how you can help, whether that’s through donating financially, collecting food and toiletries for our Food Pantry, volunteering, or participating in our holiday programs. We look forward to working alongside you as we serve the people in our area who need a helping hand.

Homeless Services and Homeless Prevention programs include:
• Homeless Day Center • Street Outreach • Transitional Family Services • Homeless Teen Initiatives include: Upward Progress • Fill-a-Bin • Lone Star College Scholarships

Community Outreach programs include:
• Community Food Pantry • Thanksgiving Blessings Boxes • Holiday Activities for clients and their families • Backpacks & School Supplies

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Friends, our greatest needs are, and always will be, continued blessings from Our Father and the prayers and support of our community. We ask that you pray with and for us as we work to be the hands and feet of Jesus in offering hope to the homeless and hungry.
Our Prayer for the Homeless and the Hungry
Father God, we pray for those who are homeless and hungry. We pray that our eyes will see, and our ears will hear our neighbors who are in need. We pray that our hearts are tender, and our hands remain ready to serve. May we be bold and generous as we serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen