For rent or utility assistance call 2-1-1 or visit
We do not provide rental assistance, utility assistance, or hotel vouchers.
For additional resources for the homeless visit
Homeless Prevention
With many years of battling homelessness, we know how long and hard the fight can be. We also know that the best way to stop homelessness is by preventing it, and to that end we work to stabilize the most vulnerable with our Homeless Prevention Programs.
Transitional Family Services
This program helps families who have fallen on hard times transition out of short-term homelessness. It is almost impossible to hold a job while living in a vehicle or a tent with little access to proper hygiene, laundry facilities, or adequate sleeping conditions. While living in a hotel room is not ideal, it allows the adults in a family to hold a job and move toward self-sufficiency. Each year dozens of families regain their self-sufficiency due to this program.
If you are homeless and have at least one child under 18 years of age with you that would be forced to spend the night without shelter and you are currently staying within the Cy-Fair area you may qualify for Cy-Fair Helping Hands’ Transitional Family Services. Complete this form if you meet the above qualifications and one of our case managers will contact you as soon as they can. Applications are reviewed Monday through Thursday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. At this time we are at capacity and are using a waiting list. Please submit the form for evaluation and to be place on the waiting list.
If you are homeless without children, Cy-Fair Helping Hands has other services for which you may qualify. Please call 281-858-1222.
Scholarship Program
Provides scholarships to Lone Star College students who are enrolling in a Certificate Program or a FastTrack, Non-Credit Program. There are no GPA requirements, and the scholarships are financial-need based. To apply, visit a LSC Financial Aid office.

Homeless Outreach – Building Bridges through Relationships

Street Outreach
Outreach teams go out weekly to meet with and build relationships with people who live on the streets. These visits aim to identify and assist those willing to make the effort required to modify their lifestyle. Food and other necessities are delivered.
Homeless Day Center
On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the homeless are invited to our Day Center as a place of respite from the stressors of homelessness. Each person may shower, get a free health check, apply for housing, enjoy some much-needed fellowship, worship, and eat a hot meal.

Homeless Teen Initiatives
The number of homeless students in CFISD comes as quite a shock. Although these students may look nothing like the man living under a bridge, homelessness is an issue for many teens in our community. Through a partnership with school counselors and social workers, we have programs in place to address some of the common needs that these students have.

Provides quick meals, snacks, & other necessities for homeless students by placing bins filled with food in high schools, middle schools, and ALCs within CFISD. Teens often will not take advantage of free meals or other services that may indicate they are underprivileged or they may not have adequate food at home. By placing food items in counselors’ offices, we discreetly provide food and other supplies to teens in need.
Upward Progress
Pays class fees, graduation expenses, extracurricular expenses, dual credit fees, etc., for homeless and underprivileged students. Many teens would miss out on the opportunity to participate in classes such as photography, FFA, cosmetology, and other courses that require fees and equipment. We provide funds for prom fees, graduation expenses and have purchased animals and supplies for FFA students.

When possible, we ask that donations for the homeless such as Compassion Bags, Sack Lunches, clothing, etc., be delivered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 am until 1:00pm. Please contact to schedule deliveries at other times.