It takes a lot to keep the engine moving at Cy-fair Helping Hands! Your Scout troops, work groups, sports teams, Bible study groups, NCL chapters, sororities, civic organizations, and other teams can help give back to the community in a meaningful way.
Hot Meals for the Homeless Day Center
On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the homeless are invited to our Day Center as a place of respite from the stressors of homelessness. Each person may shower, wash their clothes, apply for housing, enjoy some much-needed fellowship, worship, and eat a hot meal. If you can help by preparing lunch for approximately 20 people please click HERE.
Compassion Bags
CFHH’s outreach teams go out weekly to various areas in Cy-Fair to make contact and build relationships with homeless people on our streets. During these visits we distribute Compassion Bags containing non-perishable food items that are easily opened and can be eaten with no cooking required. We give our about 100 of these bags each week. Purchasing the contents and putting together Compassion Bags is a great group project!
It’s easy to make Compassion Bags. Fill a gallon-size plastic freezer bag with these foods and extras:
• Pop-top cans of pasta, chili or hearty soup (Please, no “cream of” soups.)
• Snack pack pudding (non-refrigerated)
• Snack-size fruit cup
• Juice boxes/pouches (no water, please)
• Sandwich cracker- peanut butter or cheese
• Can of Vienna sausages or packet of tuna
• Small can of beans, veggies or Beanie Weenies
• Small packets of Ritz crackers or chips in Pringle-style containers
• Snack-size container of peanut butter (optional)
Extras :
• Plastic cutlery wrapped in a napkin
• A note or greeting card for the recipient is always appreciated.
If you’d like to order items that go into Compassion Bags and have them ship to CFHH, click here.
Sack Lunches
A homemade lunch is such a special treat for our homeless guests and we welcome sack lunches for them! This is a service project that works well for small groups: church youth groups, homeschoolers, scout troops, senior clubs, etc.
Packed in paper lunch bags:
Sandwich – dry turkey & cheese, ham & cheese, chicken & cheese
2 packets of mayo and 2 packets of mustard
1 Bag of chips
1 piece of Fresh fruit – soft fruits such as oranges, bananas, peaches (no apples)
1 Juice box/pouch or Shelf Milk (no water)
1 Individually wrapped Soft dessert – soft cookies (homemade would be great!)
1 Napkin
Food Drives
Food and toiletry drives help to fill our pantry and supply shelves. We encourage community businesses, churches, and school partnerships; consider donating one specific item for the pantry each month for the year! Food drives are great projects for groups but individuals have been very successful in having food drives within their neighborhood or organization. For more info, email phudson@cyfairhelpinghands.org